At Orchid Osteopathy
Medical Acupuncture/ dry needling is a treatment that involves a very thin needle being pushed through the skin to stimulate a trigger point. It helps to releases the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function.
Western Medical Acupuncture, or dry needling, is a reinterpretation of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture using modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Dry needling can be used to manage chronically painful conditions or to speed up a patient’s recovery from injuries to muscles, tendons or ligaments.
There are two distinct types of dry needling, the first being “trigger point technique”. This is when a needle is inserted to a tight or tender point or “knot” in a muscle to alleviate pain.
The second works on a process called “neuromodulation”. This is where needles are inserted to a muscle or area that is particularly sensitive to pain in chronic conditions. This method works by changing the way the brain and central nervous system interprets pain signals from the affected tissues, with a natural analgesic affect.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Eases trigger points
Reduces stiffness and pain
Improves range of motion
Increases blood flow and oxygen to the muscle
Dry needling works to aid musculoskeletal conditions and helps with injury prevention and recovery
Acupuncture Treatment Advice
The appropriate treatment according to your case will be given, with posture and lifestyle advice. Our aim is to provide you the knowledge and tools to make a lifestyle change and to help reduce the pain to improve your overall health.